Travel Language: Culture, Locals, and Phrases

With spring break right around the corner and summer break a few months away, those of us who travel with family would soon have a reason to board a plane.

And if that plane seems to be crossing international waters, then the experience could be intimidating. In addition to deciding between taking an airport shuttle and finding a Seattle airport parking space, you may have more than a few choices to make to ensure your travels go smoothly.

In order to ensure that you are making the most out of your travels while keeping the worries at bay, here are a few tips that would ensure your trip remains as enjoyable as possible.

Learn About the Culture of Your Destination

While you must have made the decision to travel to an international country after learning about the many attractions that it has to offer, it is just as important to learn about its culture.

For instance, if you are about to travel to South Korea, it is important to learn that tipping your servers is considered an insult in the culture. Similarly, if you are visiting New Zealand or Scotland, then hopping into the back of the car would be impolite.

Knowing about these cultural differences goes a long way into ensuring you are not fitting the stereotype of an obnoxious tourist.

Make Sure to Be Respectful to Locals

One of the most annoying habits often expressed by tourists is to talk to locals as though they are two-year-olds. This usually happens when you are visiting a country that doesn’t speak your language – but that is where you need to remind yourself that shouting and speaking at a higher volume won’t translate them automatically. They would simply make you look disrespectful.

That is why you should make sure that you practice patience and politeness while interacting with locals. They definitely want to help you as a guest in their country, so make sure not to make them regret their amicable nature.

Learn Common Phrases

One thing that shows your respect and appreciation toward another culture is to know its language. While no one may expect you to learn perfect French or Italian overnight, learning a few common phrases here and there may go a long way.

Knowing about polite words such as “thank you”, “please”, and “you are welcome”, saying them in the local language demonstrates that even if you can’t communicate proficiently in the language, you are still making an effort to engage.

By following these tips, you can ensure to make your travels a less demanding experience, and turn it into one where it remains one of the best trips of your life.